
Teaching in Vilnius

We contribute to attracting and training new teachers and ensuring the competences and qualifications of existing teachers.


future teachers started their studies in 2023.


A new teacher started working in Vilnius schools in September, after a summer of preparatory training.


events organised by the city's subject councils for the city's subject methodological groups.


teachers took advantage of Teachers' Week offers.

Studies for teachers
Studies for teachers


In response to the needs of a growing city, Vilnius aims to address the shortage of teachers in a comprehensive way. 

The project is open to teachers currently working in educational institutions in Vilnius, or to persons with a higher education degree who wish to work as teachers in educational institutions in Vilnius.
Those admitted to the studies will acquire the necessary qualifications and/or additional competences during their non-degree studies at higher education institutions. Completion of studies entitles the holder to teach in the relevant study programme or to engage in specialised pedagogical activities. After completing their studies, participants will be required to work for at least two years in an educational institution in Vilnius in a position corresponding to the study programme completed. The tuition fees of those admitted to the studies will be paid for by the Vilnius City Municipality.

Achievements in 2023

This year we received 750 applications in total! 

542 applications came from teachers who wanted to acquire additional competences, and 211 from teachers who did not have a teaching qualification and wanted to acquire one.

Funded study places:
98 for the qualification of teacher;
For pre-school education - 80;
Primary Education - 20;
Social pedagogy - 15;
Special Education - 50;
Speech therapy - 40; 
English - 7;
A few each in Ethics, English, Physical Education, Technology, History.

319 places in total!


Project manager Donata Šablinienė

Starting to teach in Vilnius
Starting to teach in Vilnius


The first year at school is the hardest. That's why we support new teachers with the knowledge they need, opportunities to work with colleagues and the challenges of their career path. 


Activities (training, seminars, consultations, individual supervision) strengthen the professional confidence and identity of pre-service teachers
encourages pre-service teachers to reflect on their professional practice and personal growth, and to face the challenges of working with colleagues with courage strengthen teachers' professional skills in educational psychology, self-development, educational practice and IT applications.

Achievements in 2023

56 pre-service teachers have registered for the programme. 

At least one training session is held each month on topics of interest to teachers. Consultations are also organised by subject group and led by practising teachers. Teachers receive psychological support and advice (as needed) through one-to-one interviews with a psychologist.

In order to bring the beginners together in a supportive community, an autumn camp was organised for the first time in October, attended by 32 teachers.


Project manager Edita Linkevičiūtė

Back to teaching
Back to teaching


We invite those who have a teaching qualification and a teaching vocation, but who have never tried or have drifted away from the teaching profession, to return to school.  The aim of the programme is to strengthen the pedagogical, psychological and subject-specific competences of the participants of the "Back to Teaching" programme through training, consultation and supervision.

Participant recruitment and selection-calling to select child-centred teachers committed to continuous learning and development.
Developing an individual professional support plan based on each teacher's individual needs a 5-day summer training programme to strengthen the participants' pedagogical, psychological and subject training.
Individual counselling and professional support during their time at school.
Individual supervision.
Training on relevant topics (at least once a month) while already in school.

Achievements in 2023

80 applications were received. After a motivational interview, 61 participants were invited to the programmes. After 7 days of intensive summer training, 31 new teachers joined the school! 

We provide them with encouragement, personalised professional support and a network of like-minded people: 

5 days of summer training - school readiness;  
Each teacher has a mentor teacher with whom they can consult on issues of concern. 
Individual interviews with a psychologist are available on request. 
Joint training sessions are held once a month on topics of interest to teachers.


Project manager Edita Linkevičiūtė

Methodological teacher groups
Methodological teacher groups


To create a sustainable system of competence development and professional networking for general education teachers in Vilnius City.


The project aims to develop teachers' general, didactic and subject-specific competences by mobilising teacher communities for collaboration and professional development, providing them with opportunities to share their practical experience with each other, and to collaborate with researchers and other social partners.

Achievements in 2023

The city's subject methodology group councils organised 12 events for teachers of city subjects. During these events, teachers listened to lectures and participated in seminars on topics that were most relevant to them at the time.


Project manager Gražvydas Kazakevičius

Celebrating Teachers' Week
Celebrating Teachers' Week


We are celebrating Teachers' Day in Vilnius all week long - because we want to thank teachers for their work, and we invite other Vilnius residents to join in the thanks!


Teachers are invited to attend theatre performances, cinema screenings, museums and excursions free of charge during the festive week, as well as to take advantage of discounts at sports clubs, cafés and other venues. There is also a gala concert where Vilnius Teachers of the Year are awarded.
Teachers and others interested in education are also invited to an exclusive annual Teachers' Week conference.

Achievements in 2023

Around 2000 teachers took advantage of the festive offers and attended the events. As many as 17 partners contributed to the implementation of the celebration week.

International conference "How much of a future is in education in Vilnius?" with Svenia Busson, researcher in educational innovation and head of LearnSpace, a learning innovation centre in Paris, and Lithuanian speakers and panellists attended around 80 people the conference and around 90 more people watched remotely.

The Vilnius Teachers and Leaders of the Year were awarded at a gala concert attended by almost 5 000 people.


Project manager Rūta Lazauskaitė