15 winners of the Global Mayoral Challenge meet for the first time in Venice

15 winners of the Global Mayoral Challenge meet for the first time in Venice

Representatives of the winning cities of the global Bloomberg Philanthropies Mayors Challenge were invited to a meeting in Venice on 30-31 October. Project Vilnius is a School was represented at the meeting by Edu Vilnius Director Unė Kaunaitė and Project Manager Snieguolė Kavoliūnienė, who joined a group of representatives from the Philippines, Ghana, India, USA, Jordan, Colombia, Mexico, Mexico, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Rwanda, Turkey, the Philippines, Ghana, India, the USA, Jordan, Mexico, the Netherlands, Rwanda, and the USA.

The Winning Cities Summit is designed to build new networks, share insights and replicate good practices. During intensive sessions, city representatives, together with their colleagues from Bloomberg Philanthropies, discussed effective innovation, the journey of an idea from conception to potential impact, the different experiences to maintain the effectiveness of any project and the importance of continuous data collection and analysis.

Participants had the unique opportunity to visit the UNDP Sustainable Cities Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2023, to learn more about the Venice phenomenon and its sustainability projects that are preserving the lagoon's biodiversity and integrating local communities.

It was great to meet so many people in one place who are offering substantive and coherent solutions to a wide range of problems in their local communities.

Of course, it was very good to know that our Vilnius is a School project has been positively mirrored by other cities and that Bloomberg Philanthropies sees it as a successful and effective project.