
Innovative education

We promote innovative teaching methods, creativity and cognitive competences in pre-school and general education.


pre-school institutions have received training in Narrative environments for play and learning methodologies.


Primary school teachers completed the Creative Use of Technology in Primary Education programme.


Science laboratories are set up in the capital's educational institutions.


Reading corners are set up in pre-school educational institutions in Vilnius.

FabLab workshops in Vilnius schools
FabLab workshops in Vilnius schools FabLab workshops in Vilnius schools


To promote innovative teaching methods, interdisciplinary integration and school cooperation by developing and improving the network of open technical FabLab workshops in Vilnius City schools.


- providing professional development opportunities for teachers in the 36 schools that have set up FabLab workshops;
- making methodological materials available to teachers;
- enabling teachers to learn from each other by sharing their experience of working in FabLabs;
- providing support to FabLab schools on how to use the equipment.

Fabrication/Fabulous Laboratory workshop is a state-of-the-art platform for innovation and invention, designed to construct, model, design, manufacture and prototype a variety of products, as well as to encourage creativity, entrepreneurship and interest in technology and technology. Minimum recommended equipment for a FabLab workshop: 3D printer; CNC milling machine; Laser cutter; Plotter; Electronics/robotics components (with at least one soldering station and several electronics/robotics kits).

In the educational process, the FabLab workshop has the advantage of teaching in an authentic, immersive environment, where students follow a path of imagination, design, prototyping, reflection and collaboration to find creative solutions to challenges. Driven by their intellectual curiosity, pupils experiment, explore and invent, which helps them to see themselves as learners with good ideas that can be put into practice.

Achievements in 2023

1 FabLab in a school in Vilnius is funded from 2023-2024.  It will join a network of 36 schools with FabLab workshops.

In 2023, 5 FabLab vitamin workshops were held, attended by 92 teachers. 

In spring, 34 teachers completed long-term FabLab training programmes (beginners and advanced).

A new long-term training programme on electronics was launched in autumn 2023 with 15 teachers.

Partners: Techninių erdvių asociacija (Meškėnų laboratorija), VILNIUS TECH „LinkMenų fabrikas“ Kūrybiškumo ir inovacijų centras


Project manager Rūta Mazgelytė

Strengthening the life sciences
Strengthening the life sciences


To create conditions for quality science education and to stimulate pupils' interest in scientific research by developing and improving the network of modern science laboratories in the gymnasiums of Vilnius City Municipality.


- helping gymnasiums to set up modern science laboratories and to equip them with modern learning tools;
- providing professional development opportunities for teachers in schools with science laboratories;
- enabling Vilnius science teachers to learn from each other by sharing experiences.

Achievements in 2023

Funding for 8 science laboratories in Vilnius schools between 2023 and 2024. They will join a network of 13 schools with upgraded science laboratories.

In the spring, 50 biology, chemistry and physics teachers completed long-term training programmes for hands-on activities in science laboratories.
50 biology, chemistry and physics teachers completed long-term training programmes in spring for practical activities in science laboratories.

Partners: Gamtos mokslų ugdymo centras


Project manager Rūta Mazgelytė

Digital maths classroom
Digital maths classroom


Maths skills are one of the most pressing issues today. We aim to prevent gaps in education from an early age by using Eduten Playground, a Finnish-developed maths learning platform.


Eduten is a computer-based platform for mathematics education, scientifically based on research in contemporary mathematics didactics and pedagogy. It features very good learning data analytics, tailored to monitor progress and achievements at student, class and school levels. The platform won the UNICEF EdTech prize.

Selected schools participating in the project have been using the Eduten mathematics teaching platform for one year, providing professional development and support to teachers using the platform.

The project consists of:

- training for school coordinators and teachers on the use of the Eduten virtual learning platform and the analysis of student learning data in this environment;

- advice to teachers and school coordinators on various issues related to the use of the Eduten virtual learning platform;

- advice to teachers and school coordinators on working with pupils with special needs on the Eduten platform;

- professional development for teachers on the use of innovative learning environments in education;

- the provision of a manual for the use of the Eduten platform for teaching mathematics;

- mobilising the teachers involved in the project into a virtual learning community.

Achievements in 2023

84.88% of Vilnius City Municipality schools and 8 private schools have expressed a need for Eduten licences for the period 2023-2024. Training has also been organised for teachers in these schools.

A diagnostic action research "Eduten Challenge" is being organised to improve mathematics teaching. In the years 2022-2023, pupils in Years 4 and 6 took part in the "Eduten Challenge I" and "Eduten Challenge II". More than 50 schools and more than 2 500 students participated in each challenge. 

The results of the challenges were summarised in two reports for each school:  
1) the school's data was compared with the overall results of the students in the Vilnius schools that took part in the Challenge; 
2) the results of each student's performance on the task.

In 2023-2024, we are continuing the Eduten Challenge with pupils in Years 3 and 7.


Project manager Edita Linkevičiūtė

Narrative environments for play and learning (NEPL)
Narrative environments for play and learning (NEPL)


Narrative environments for play and learning (NEPL) is an imaginative role-playing activity in which a group of children create a shared storyline. Research shows that NEPL helps pre-school children to be better prepared for school, and develops literacy, speaking and self-regulation skills.


The programme introduces the Narrative Play and Learning (NEPL) method, reveals its theoretical and practical origins, the concept of narrative play, and teaches the concrete steps for implementing this method in a preschool setting. A series of training sessions and individual consultations are organised for the teams of participating institutions. Training and guidance for pre-schools is provided on themes selected according to the needs of the specific pre-school.

In 2023, pre-schools already applying the methodology from 2019 onwards will receive additional training to share their practical experience and enhance their knowledge and competences in applying the NEPL methodology.

7 pre-school institutions in Vilnius City have also started to learn the new methodology from spring 2023:  

  • Vilniaus lopšelis-darželis „Pušaitė“;  
  • Vilniaus lopšelis-darželis „Pilaitukas“; 
  • Vilniaus lopšelis-darželis „Rasa“; 
  • Vilniaus „Žilvinėlio“ lopšelis-darželis; 
  • Vilniaus lopšelis-darželis „Žirniukas“; 
  • Vilniaus Vaduvos darželis-mokykla; 
  • Vilniaus lopšelis-darželis „Vėrinėlis“. 

Achievements in 2023

In 2023, 7 pre-school education institutions in Vilnius City have started to learn the new methodology. 

As of 2019, 25 pre-school institutions already applying the methodology in 2023 have received additional training to share their practical experience and to enhance their knowledge and competences in applying the NEPL methodology.


Project manager Rūta Lazauskaitė

Reading promotion
Reading promotion


Literature must undoubtedly be an integral part of a well-rounded education, which is why we aim to equip preschools not only with books selected by experts, but also with the knowledge of how to read in order to engage even the youngest ones in the colourful world of literature.


In cooperation with the National Library of Lithuania, we are working to set up reading corners in pre-school institutions in the capital. The reading corner consists of furniture specially adapted to the needs of pre-school children, books selected by reading specialists and methodological and informative material on reading corners, early reading and tips on how to creatively make the corner work.

In addition, we organise theoretical and practical training for teachers on reading with the youngest readers.

Achievements in 2023

Reading corners are set up in 10 pre-school institutions in Vilnius.

In addition, teachers were invited to participate in two theoretical and practical training courses, "Reading with children under 6" and "Storytelling training".


Project manager Rūta Lazauskaitė

Creative use of technology
Creative use of technology


We equip teachers with the competences to creatively integrate information technology in different subject areas or to teach a separate lesson in computer science, thus developing children's ability to be creators as well as users of information technology.


For the second year running, Vilnius schools are learning how to integrate information technology into primary school lessons with the help of the programme Vedliai, in preparation for the renewed curricula starting in autumn.

We help teachers to develop children's logical thinking, creativity and the ability to combine different technologies, and to acquire the skills needed to be successful in the technology industries (programming, design, 3D modelling, virtual reality, animation, game development, artificial intelligence).

This year, the project received international recognition at the World Summit Awards, a global competition for digital projects.

Achievements in 2023

Between 2022 and 2023, 1,160 primary school teachers from 81 schools in the municipality took part in a long-term professional development programme. 
The training programme consisted of theoretical learning and practical implementation of informatics and technological creativity in the classroom. 731 teachers (76% of the total number of trainees) fully completed the training programme and received their professional development certificates. 

Over a three-year period, all primary school teachers were trained in the integration of IT in primary education, either through this training programme or through an independent training programme.

For the period 2022-2023, we have also invited IT teachers working in the upper grades to upgrade their competences. 53 IT teachers in grades 5-8 were trained in a long-term professional development programme and 45 completed the programme. The programme included a theoretical part and practical development activities.

In the period 2023-2024, 457 classes in 47 schools in Vilnius City purchased licences for teaching IT using Vedliai platform. 89 IT teachers have access to lesson plans, guidance on the practical application of the updated content of the IT curriculum in the classroom, and exercises for students.


Project manager Andra Litvinaitė

Media and information literacy
Media and information literacy


With so many sources of information - from news portals to social media to Youtube videos - we must learn to identify reliable sources, verify information and understand how to live in the stream.

Media and information literacy provides teachers with the necessary competences to understand the role and function of media in a democratic society; to understand the conditions under which media can perform their functions; to critically evaluate media content; and to have the skills (and use IT) to create content.


The training introduces and discusses topics that provide a solid foundation in media and information literacy:

- Introduction to Media and Information Literacy. Introduction to media and media analysis (identifying misleading information), facts versus opinions, different types of information;
- Visual media. How visual media are used to disseminate misleading information. Tools for identifying different visual media (photographs, videos), their use in working with students, the latest technologies;
- Thinking biases. How our brains work and how this knowledge can be used to manipulate us;
- Data literacy. Protecting private data, the online personal footprint and what can be learned from it. Manipulation of data presentation (visualisation of statistical data);
- Propaganda. Propaganda techniques and objectives. (Meta)narratives about the State of Lithuania. Information attacks;
- Democracy and social justice. Impact of media and information literacy on democracy. Media quality standards, role in a democratic society, emerging challenges. Stereotyping and polarisation;
- The training will also provide opportunities for individual consultations. The content of the sub-programme will be adapted according to the needs of the teachers who have registered (a teacher survey will be carried out at the beginning of the programme).

Achievements in 2023

A long-term, 40-academic-hour professional development programme has been developed and implemented. Training for 2 groups.
24 teachers successfully completed Group I training.
Group II, consisting of 30 teachers, will complete the training programme in 2024.

A second part of the training programme has been prepared, in which the teachers who have completed the first part will develop their competences and continue their training.


Project manager Asta Morkūnienė

Physical education in a different way
Physical education in a different way


Physical activity is the basis for a healthy life and has a positive impact on concentration and learning. With children's activity levels declining, we aim to make physical education lessons modern and engaging, using new educational methods.


Bringing together a community of physical education teachers to identify the challenges related to the quality of physical education lessons and to develop tools to improve quality, to develop the competences of physical education teachers by inviting them to share and learn from each other, to develop the competences of physical education teachers in cooperation with researchers and other social partners.

Achievements in 2023

In 2023 a long term training programme for pre-school physical education teachers has been developed and implemented. The 48-hour programme consists of 4 modules.
Participants developed competences in physical literacy education for pre-school children.


Project manager Asta Morkūnienė

Learning by playing: seeing the world differently
Learning by playing: seeing the world differently


To play with the principles of experiential education to develop the subject and general competences of pupils in Grades 3-4.

Low motivation is one of the most important factors contributing to low achievement. Therefore, making learning more interesting for pupils through engaging formats can be an excellent tool not only to engage pupils, but also to motivate them and improve their achievement.


- participating schools have access to fully developed world education lessons; materials and activities with Minecraft education edition for grades 3-4;
- a mentor is assigned to each participating teacher;
- Minecraft education edition licenses for the teacher and each student in the class until the end of the project;
- One-to-one support for the implementation of Minecraft education edition.

Achievements in 2023

Between 2022 and 2023, 13 teachers (283 pupils) integrated the Minecraft education edition in their third-grade world education lessons. 
In 2023-2024, the Minecraft education edition will be used in the fourth grade in world education lessons by 12 teachers and 246 students.
In the third grade: 14 teachers, 335 pupils.

Partner: VšĮ Edukraftas (Trys kubai)


Project manager Rūta Mazgelytė



Low motivation is one of the most important factors contributing to low achievement. Therefore, making learning more fun for pupils through more engaging formats can be a great tool not only to engage pupils, but also to motivate them and improve their achievement.


Computer games are already part of students' lives. Esport is a competitive virtual sport. Esport provides opportunities for students to develop teamwork skills, creative problem-solving and learning to achieve goals. Some countries around the world are already integrating esport into education in one form or another.

In addition to team and individual tasks, strategy and action planning, tactics, healthy lifestyles, managing emotions, achieving personal goals and evaluating results. Global research shows that esports is particularly beneficial for lower achievers as a new way to engage and motivate students.

Achievements in 2023

In 2022-2023, the unique esports programme was continued at one Vilnius City Youth School in grades 9-10.

In the lessons of this programme, students learn how to play esports games with the help of a professional esports player. They also develop social, emotional and healthy lifestyle skills with the help of a psychologist.

The programme is partnered by Wargaming Vilnius UAB.


Project manager Rūta Mazgelytė